Couples Counseling

784192900You’re living like roommates.

There are passing glances and stale greetings in the morning during breakfast.

And there are times you’re both on the edge. No matter how hard you try, neither of you can effectively communicate your feelings or wants.

Your relationship wasn’t always like this. It started with excitement and passion and was the relationship you always wanted. You used to hold hands!

But things have changed. Time has passed, and you’re starting to notice habits you didn’t before (or ignored).

You feel yourself pulling away, or they are pulling away.

It’s a daily struggle trying to get back on track.

“Forgot to take out the trash again, so I had to do it. Now the toast is burning, I’m late for work, and the kids are crying.”

“Dishes are piling in the sink, and the laundry basket doesn’t look any better. I’m too tired to deal with this at the end of the day.”

The resentment builds in not feeling heard. The echoes of your voices grow louder and reverberate off the walls.

But you’re not hearing each other.

These four walls that once hosted a loving home have become a house.

The home that was once a loving, safe, and stable place has become the one you now dread returning to.

1071294719There’s a roadmap we can use to help you heal.

We’ll meet online, and you’ll be present with your partner in your environment. That will let me see the real-time dynamics in your daily life.

I will observe the circle that you get stuck in, a perpetual argument that has you trapped. I can come in and help you break out of the cycle by identifying the points where you both get stuck – as many times as I need to until you can recognize and break out on your own. That’s the first step.

Once you can recognize and break out of this pattern, we work on developing new patterns by interrupting the cycle. Then, you start building new skills. You can’t start building new skills until you interrupt the cycle. If you don’t break the cycle first, it doesn’t matter.

We rediscover new ways to communicate – the little things that count. You notice your partner when they enter a room. The nonverbal is as important as the nonverbal.

I also work with neurodivergent couples!

I have special training and experience to help you with your needs and concerns.

Neurodiverse couples have different needs and face a set of unique challenges. Sensory sensitivities, differences in reading body language, and verbal and nonverbal cues are examples of different ways of perceiving the world. These differences are rooted in neurology and are deep.

Sometimes, just realizing one partner is neurodiverse can go a long way. This is where I come in, acting as a translator to help you learn to speak and understand each other’s language. Defensiveness gives way to empathy and understanding when you realize that your partners’ differences are rooted in their neurology.

Neurodiverse couples counseling includes tools and a concrete approach. Repetition, practice, and consistency are key.

I have taken a special interest in neurodiverse couples. I noticed a pattern in the couples I was working with and wanted additional training in this area to be more effective. This training helped me recognize, understand, and treat couples with these differences.

Together, we can build a bridge to greater understanding.

Small steps lead to major changes!

A breakthrough is a call away. We can take on this challenge together.

Call today, and we can get started by scheduling your free consultation: (602) 834-4950.